Benefits of Financial Data Warehouse

Fin data warehouse
Financial data warehouses are the first data warehouse an organization builds often. That is appealing because: 
Financial data is usually ALWAYS at the nerve middle of the business. Therefore, getting attention attracted to a well-built financial data warehouse is an extremely easy move to make. In most organizations (however, not all), financial data represents among the smallest volumes of data that exist. Financing cuts across all the aspects of the organization data and has a common denominator i.e. cash. Financial data includes a structure of data straight inherently influenced simply by the day-to-day actions of financial digesting and the list goes on. For these good reasons, finance becomes a good target for starting to build the corporate data warehouse.

Financial data warehouses involve some severe drawbacks that aren't found elsewhere. When purists make use of a financial data warehouse, they are overjoyed to find that it's almost impossible to reconcile right down to the rupee. And again they will statement that they saw again yesterday that mentioned the balance to be Rs a report. 12,345,678 however when did the same today the using our accounting MIS system the total amount was Rs report. 13,245,678. Hence you can not trust the brand new system.

Note that it really is unlikely that the financial data warehouse would stability to the last rupee, such a notion is wrong for several reasons completely. The accounting periods might be different in various operational systems, but in a data warehouse, it's the corporate calendar. The classifications of regions might change. In the operational program Northern Pakistan might contain Nathiagali, Harnoi etc. however in the national data warehouse, Northern Pakistan includes every main city north of Lahore. In the operational system sale or oranges is recorded in dozen in a single part of Pakistan, even though in other they can be purchased by weight and in another right component by crates. However, in the nationwide data warehouse, they are accounted for predicated on dozen and the list continues on. 
