What are key players of Software Development process?

software Team

The software advancement process is populated by players who could be categorized into among six constituencies:

1. Senior managers who define the business issues that have significant influence on the project often.
2. Project (specialized) managers who must strategy, motivate, organize, and control the practitioners who perform software work.
3. Practitioners who deliver the technical abilities that are essential to engineer an application or product.
4. Customers who specify certain requirements for the program to be designed and other stakeholders who've a peripheral curiosity in the outcome.
5. End-users Who connect to the software program once it really is released for production make use of.
6. Team Leaders-Every software task is populated by individuals who fall within this taxonomy. To work, the project team must be organized in a way that maximizes each person’s abilities and skills. And that’s the work of the team innovator. 
