What is Project Management!

Proj Management
Project Management is the creative art of maximizing the probability that a project
delivers its goals promptly, to Budget and at the mandatory Quality. The art of planning the future is a human trait always. In essence a project could be captured in some recoverable format with a few basic elements: a start time, an end date, the tasks which have to be completed and when they must be finished, and some notion of the resources (people, machines etc) which will be needed during the span of the project.
Project management may be the program of knowledge, skills, equipment, and
techniques to project actions to meet up project requirements.

Project management is achieved through the use of the procedures such as for example: initiating, planning, executing, managing, and closing. It is necessary to note that lots of of the processes within project administration are iterative in character. This is partly due to the living of and the need for progressive elaboration in a project throughout the task life cycle; i.e., the more you understand about assembling your project, the better it is possible to manage it. The term project management is sometimes used to describe an organizational approach to the management of ongoing procedures.

This approach, more properly called management by projects, treats many aspects of ongoing procedures as projects to apply project management techniques to them. Almost any human activity that involves conducting a non- repetitive task can be a project. So we are all project managers! We all practice project management (PM). But there is definitely a large difference between conducting a very simple project involving one or two persons and one involving a complex mix of people, organizations and tasks.
